Monday, 6 October 2014


This film poster has many useful and interesting qualities. They used a screenshot from the actual film which shows an extreme close up of the leading females face. By using actual footage from the film this allows the audience a taste of the film and could entice them to want to se it. 

The lighting used in the poster highlights her face and makes her seem glowing, and beautiful. The extreme close up gives the viewer a clear and insightful look into her thoughts and intentions as you can clearly see her facial expression, she looks somewhat upset, torn and menacing. 

This is done deliberately to attract both a male and female audience as women could relate to the women and see that she is one of the main focuses of the film. The male audience would be drawn in by the woman beauty and be intrigued to find out more about what she's doing. 


  1. Add analysis of the institutional information covered on the film poster.

  2. Good comments but go back and include the institutional information.
