Tuesday 25 November 2014


Today we filmed the scene where we show Aggie reading the book she has just gotten from the library. Amber filmed whilst I directed and Aggie acted. We wanted to experiment with the idea of time and make it seem as if a lot of time was passing but we only show this in a shot that last around 30 seconds. We did this by using a crane angle and a 360 degree shot. We placed Aggie on a chair and had her flick through the pages of the book as Amber circled around her filming her, from a high angle. The end result proved effective as it seemed as if hours had gone by and that the character was encompassed solely by the book.

Although after looking back over the footage on the computer we found the image looked grainy and out of focus, as the lighting was not strong enough. We felt that what we had filmed, did produce the desired effect but was not up to the quality we wanted and so we have decided to re film this section of footage, using artificial lighting.

So we decided to take an alternate approach and new style of filming where we took a series of pictures, and then played them back sped up, all together, creating a stop motion sequence, showing the time change by having Aggie yawn and put on a dressing gown as time progressed. This looked effective as it communicated to the audience the time change and how wrapped up Aggie is in the book. This is a YouTube video showing the final result:


  1. I enjoyed seeing the results. You worked well as cameraman and director in filming this scene.

  2. I look forward to the (essential) stills that will illustrate your written comments.
